A Community Effort to Protect Public Wells
The residents of the City of Floodwood, MN rely on groundwater for their drinking water supply. The City owns and operates 2 wells located in the community. The City wells draw water from a groundwater aquifer approximately 100 feet below the land surface. Groundwater aquifers are vulnerable to contamination from human land use activities.
The City of Floodwood is working with local residents to protect the drinking water supply by developing and carrying out a WELLHEAD PROTECTION PLAN. The plan is being developed and will be implemented in conjunction with several local, county and state agencies. The MN Dept. of Health is the lead agency for the State’s program and is assisting communities with defining wellhead protection areas and developing plans to protect community wells. Minnesota Rural Water Association provides technical assistance to small public water suppliers to help meet the system’s Wellhead Protection goals. Contact Rick Gill or Cory Suonvieri with the City of Floodwood at (218) 476-2751 for additional information on local Wellhead Protection efforts.