The City of Floodwood meter reading schedule calls for reading water meters on a monthly basis. Inclement weather, lack of access to the meter, or staffing levels on the reading date my result in an estimated reading. You will receive a tag on your door asking you to call in your meter reading if we can't. If you do not call in the reading your usage will be estimated.
- Water Base Rate $34.50 per month
- Water Use $3.70/1,000 gallons
- Sewer Base Rate $20.40 per month
- Sewer Use $3.70/1,000 gallons
- Enterprise Investment Fee $3.00 per month
(earmarked for future improvements to system) - Water Testing Fee $0.97 per month (effective 3/1/2020)
(fee imposed by the MDH) - Late Fee $15.00 per month
- Street Light Utility $1.35 per month
(used to offset the cost of all street lighting) - Sales Tax (commerical users) 7.375%
Contractor or Non-resident: $25.00/one thousand gallons plus $75.00 availability fee per year.