
Economic Development Opportunities

In 2024 the City of Floodwood purchased 127 acres of undeveloped land. This land offers unique opportunities for growth including but not limited to commercial development, housing development, parks and recreation opportunities and more. 

In 2023, after applying to the MN Housing Partnership, the City of Floodwood was selected to participate in the 9th MN Housing Partnership Institute.  We are honored to have been chosen to participate, and we realize what a great opportunity this is! Our local housing partnership team that has completed the institute and will give an update at the February 3rd event.


When acquiring new property for a city there are steps and actions that need to be taken before any development can be started. This process takes time. 

1. Annexing the property into the city limits.

2. Finding out what is in the soil by completing a Phase I study. 

3. Depending on the Phase I study, a Phase II study may be needed. 

4. Create a master plan for the entire property. 

5. Seek builders and contractors.

6. Seek funding.

7. Build.





February 3rd Community Conversation on Housing Event

Please consider joining us for an Updated Community Conversation on Housing that will take place on Monday, February 3rd, 6:00 p.m. at Floodwood Services & Training located at 601 Ash Street in Floodwood.  In 2023, after applying to the MN Housing Partnership, the City of Floodwood was selected to participate in the 9th MN Housing Partnership Institute.  We are honored to have been chosen to participate, and we realize what a great opportunity this is! Our local housing partnership team that has completed the institute and will give an update at the February 3rd event.


More Information can be found Here